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Technical  Experts

Dr. Ravindra Kumar
Honorary Consultant Geologist

Present Position : Professor and Co-ordinator SAP-CAS
 Centre of Advanced Study in Geology
Punjab University. Chandigarh

Prof Harish, Er. Sanjeev

Started by technocrats Prof. Harish C Bhatia, a very well known and most sought after Advisor in Northern India & Er. Sanjeev Chander, combine their technical knowledge, expertise & vast experience in resourceful and successful execution of the Turnkey projects in various fields. more  >>

 Area of  Specialisation  >>

Geotechnical Engg.
Transportation and Highway
Construction Engg. & Mgmt.
Structural Design 
Environmental & Pollution Cntr.
Survey and Topography
Geological Studies


Meet Our Technical Experts  >>

Academic Background : 
1962: B.Sc. (Hons.) Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
(Geology, Physics, Mathematics).
1964: M.Sc. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (Geology).
1969: Ph.D. Punjab University, Chandigarh.

Current Interests / Honours :
(1) Member of National Working Group of International Geological Correlation Program No. 476 on "Tectonic Climate Linkage in Asia" supported by UNESCO
(2) Elected as Sectional President (1905-06) of the Earth System Sciences for the 93rd session of Indian Science Congress to be held in January 2006 at Hyderabad
(3) Neotectonics, seismicity and slope stability in Lesser Himalaya and foothills of Himachal Pradesh and adjoining parts of Haryana, Punjab and Chandigarh.

Professional Activities:
Mining Plan and Environment Management Plan for Mineral Industry
Engineering Geology, Geomatics and Geotechnical Projects

Research and Academic Interests:
Structural Geology & Tectonics of the Himalaya; Economic Mineral Deposits, Mining and Mineral Economics; Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Indian Plate; Neotectonics, Remote Sensing & GIS; Active Faulting and Natural Disaster Management

Academic Publications:
Fifty research papers in national and international journals; One text book
Member of Professional Societies
Life Fellow of Geological Society of India, Bangalore
Life Fellow of Indian Geologists' Association, Chandigarh
Life Member, Mining Engineers' Association of India
Vice-President, Indian Geologists' Association (1998-2000)

Consultancy Experience:
Covers a experience of more than 30 years.

Prestigious Projects: 
1. Mining plan of lime stone deposit at Narnaul in the year 1999 for 
Phoenix India limited , New Delhi.
2. Silica sand deposits for DCM Engg. Limited , Ropar.
3. Slope stability proble3ms
4. Other advices concerning engineering geological projects.

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