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  Area of Specialisation

Geotechnical Engineering

Transportation & Highway Engineering

Construction Engineering & Management

Structural Design Engineering

Environmental & Pollution Control Engineering

Survey and Topography with Geological studies

Prof Harish, Er. Sanjeev

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Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering is a broader term and includes Soil Engineering, rock mechanics and geology. Whereas Geotechnical Investigation facilities recognize the use of soil and rock as an engineering foundation and Construction material. Extensive vertical, horizontal, inclined drilling operations, both on-shore and offshore, with hydraulic and rotary drilling machines in all kinds of soil and rock

Transportation & Highway Engineering
Expert and competent Consultancy is available for all aspects of Transportation and Highway Engg. and includes the following:

a) Design of Mixes for Highway and Airfield Pavements.
b) Design of thickness.
c) Urban Transportation Planning Studies.
d) Geometric Design of Transportation facilities i.e. Highways, Railways and Airfields.
e) Traffic Operation and Management expertise on various Traffic Control.
f) Planning, Design and Construction of Expressway systems.
g) Design and Management of Public Transport systems and feasibility studies including MASS RAPID TRANSPORT SYSTEMS.

Construction Engineering & Management
Expert consultancy is available in in the management of turnkey projects like Multistoreyed buildings, bridges, industrial buildings, roads, flyovers etc.

Structural Design Engineering
Expert consultancy is available for analysis and Design of all types of Civil Engg. and Concrete Structures.
Use of latest Computer Techniques for Structural Design is emphasized ( like STAAD, AUTOCAD etc. )

Environmental and Pollution Control Engineering
Environmental awareness is arising nowadays in a big way because of - 
a. Strictness on the part of Pollution Control Boards existing in the country
b. National and International awareness.
c. Therefore Central / State governments has made it mandatory.

Environmental problems have become 100% critical nowadays posing great danger to all kinds of living beings and particularly to mankind.
Facilities available covers - 
a. Controlling Industrial Pollution 
b. Sewage Water Pollution 
c. Construction of treatment plants of turnkey basis.

Survey and Topography with Geological studies





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