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Director's Profile

  Prof Harish C Bhatia
Chief Consultant and President
B.Sc Engg. (Civil); M.Sc Engg
(Highways) Topper with Distinction

       Work Experience(>= 40 Years) :

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 Area of  Specialisation   >>

Geotechnical Engg.
Transportation and Highway
Construction Engg. & Mgmt.
Structural Design 
Environmental & Pollution Cntr.
Survey and Topography
Geological Studies


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Undertaken and executed more than 900 prestigious consultancy projects involving important & challenging Civil Engg. Tasks.


Ex Head of Post Graduate Highway Engg. department (1984-2000) with remarkable contributions; guided more than 170 Master's Theses involving diversified Traffic Engg., Transportation Planning, Pavement Design, Geotechnical Engg., Soil Stabilisation and Highway Materials problems.


Coordinator, Regional Workshop on "Urban Transportation - Issues and Strategies" held at Punjab Engg. College, Chandigarh, Feb. 1997.


Organizer, Summer School for Highway Engrs - 1984.


Ex. Chairman National Level Technical Festival and Ex Dean student welfare. 

Research Papers Published : 

"Parking Analysis of Central Business Area in Chandigarh City - ATSM Approach". (Indian Highways, Feb. 1998, IRC, New Delhi)

 "Model Development for Population & Vehicle Growth in Chandigarh" (Proceedings of National Seminar on Road Transportation - Issues and Strategies, TIET, Patiala 1998)

"Traffic Management System on the Major Corridors of Chandigarh - A case study" 

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